At samebike,our vision is to create premium electric mobility products and gears at an accessible price for anyone,anywhere.Mr David Hou established his ebike factory in 2004.For years he researching and producing electric bicycles.David always knew Electric bike is the the future of transportation. at the same time,His friend,Mr GuiLong Ma,who is the pioneer and inventor of electric bicycles in China support him to build independent brand.Then,SAMEBIKE was born, now it is a global brand,consumers in more 35 countries enjoy affordable ebike with fast delivery and worry-less after-sales service .As Samebiker, We face the challenges of life with the tempering of riding.We understand that sports are not competitions but life attitudes.We know a low-carbon and green living environment is vital for us and our kids. SAMEBIKE is not only electric bike, but also a green and healthy lifestyle.
SAMEBIKE is established in 2004, has been focusing on the research, production and sales of lithium electric bicycles for the past 16 years. Sameway has 16 years’ experience of export and 10 years’ experience of OEM/ODM service. Sameway’ products are popular in EU, USA, Australia, Middle East, Europe and other countries and regions.Sameway is located in the Huadu District of Guangzhou City, it is only 10 kilometers away Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and Guangzhou North High-speed Railway Station, so the transportation is very convenient.Sameway’s China factory has a scale of more than 9,000 square meters,with annual production capacity of 80,000 units.Sameway passed complete certifications, like ISO9001,US FCC, Australian SAA, Japanese PSE, Korean KC, Argentine IRAM, Chinese CCC,etc. Moreover, the company's global brand “SAMEBIKE” obtained the EUIPO EU and EUIPO US trademark.